How to Take Massive Action as an Internet Marketer

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I wanted to create this article for a long time and I’m happy I finally did it and I’m sure you will be too. 

You can start reading the article if you want or even better start watching the video below first, in which Tony and two top internet marketers 

that have huge success in what they do and I admire their work, explain why some people don’t take action

and how you can as an internet marketer tap into your infinite potential and take massive action today and

get the results you’re after. 

I wrote this article with the newbie or intermediate internet marketer in mind.

You see, most newbies buy tons of e-books, courses, they join all kinds of sites/programs where they learn all the skills to be successful online,

but then they don’t apply what they learned.

Some of them have this attitude of” let’s give it a try, let’s see if it works” and they work a little

and because of not getting satisfactory results they quit.

And most of them don’t work at all. They just buy e-course after e-course, and e-book after e-book

just to gather a lot of documents on their computer’s hard drive.

And don’t worry I’ve done this too, I’m not a saint or a perfect man, so I don’t point fingers, I only want to help you understand why is this happening and what you can do 

to start acting like you know you can and get the success you deserve.

The solution to inaction lies in two words: certainty and belief

You must believe in yourself first.

You must believe that you are capable to do certain things, the things that others have done.

And second, after you read an e-book with a new strategy, you must be certain that once you start taking massive actions you will get the results.

I think that most people have problems with both of these things and with the help of the image below I will explain to you

what is the process that lead most internet marketers to lack of action or very little action and failure.

The cycle that you see above always happen when you want to accomplish something, but what most people don’t know is that all starts with Belief and Certainty.

Look, the potential is infinite for everyone.

We all can do anything we want if we use our mind, our imagination and intuition and we proved that already.

Look around you, computers, planes, cars and any device or tool you can imagine already exists. Why? Because we have infinite potential, we can create anything.


Why don’t we act as we know we can if the potential to act is there?

Simple, we don’t believe in our own forces/abilities (we don’t think we have the potential :D) and we don’t believe in the thing we want to do,

we are not 100% certain that we will get the results a specific method or strategy promise.

So, we don’t act at all or we “give it a try”.

We take very little action and in return we get little lousy results and then we say to ourselves:

“you see, I was certain this will not work” and some continue to take even less action and get even less results and eventually they quit.

Most quit after the first attempt.

To get great results you need first to see the results in advance in your mind

(to believe that you will get the results, to be certain about it).

This will make you tap in a lot more potential, take massive action and get huge results.

Then you will say to yourself:” hey I told you this will work” and your belief will start increasing and the cycle will continue:

you will tap in even more of your potential, you will get even more action and you will get even more results.

That’s how some marketers seem to have all the success in the world and others are going nowhere.

It’s all explained in the video/image above.

What you need to do to resolve this issue and start taking massive action on your goals is to use visualization.

Start seeing the results that you want in your mind in advance. 

Almost all professional athletes do this to have outstanding results and top internet marketers do the same thing, even if they are not aware of it.

That’s why,

If you want to be able to take massive action you absolutely need to use visualization

You need to do this daily.

You need to see in your mind the results you desire and do it over and over and start feeling as those results are real in that moment.

This will make you believe and be certain that you can get those results and you will start

to act like other top internet marketers and you will have the same success they have.

By the way, stop thinking that you can get huge results with very little or no action at all.

This is impossible.

If you want great results you absolutely need to take massive action. There is no way around this.

Don’t try to find shortcuts to success, there is none.

If you haven’t watched the above video, I recommend you to do it.

Tony Robbins and two superstars when it comes to internet marketing – Frank Kern and John Reese, talk about why people don’t have any motivation to get things done

and how you can flip this around using visualization.

I myself use visualization for accomplishing my goals and I can tell you from experience that it works.

As soon as I finish a visualization session, I feel the desire for creating the situation/thing…etc I visualized, has increased.

And the bigger the desire the easier will be for you to accomplish any goal or task.

With a strong enough desire, you can literally create “impossible” things. 

So, start using techniques like this to increase your desire to act on your goals/tasks and change your life!

I hope this article will help you and wish you all the results and success in the world!

And by the way if you liked the article please leave a message as a response to these two questions:

– Do you use visualization to get results?

– Did you materialized at least 1 goal using visualization and if you did – what is that goal?

I think the answers to these questions will help others to start using this amazing technique to improve their life.

Thanks for reading and have a super productive and prosperous day!


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