Invest in Yourself Now – Unlock Your Greatness and Live Your Dream Life

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What does invest in yourself mean anyway?

Have you ever thought about it?

For me it means to stop wanting to fit in this broken society, to stop doubting myself, to stop letting fears and other people opinions influence me. To STOP tolerating crap from life.

And to use every bit of my energy, time and money to better myself and act so I can hit my goals and materialize my dreams…

instead of working like a slave for a measly paycheck to help someone else materialize his dreams.


The best investment you can make is in yourself

You are your greatest asset.

And the only way you can change your life is to change yourself.

Start by investing your time wisely.

Most people are broke and miserable because they spend all their free time in useless  activities: watching garbage TV shows, surfing and trolling the internet, playing video games…etc

While the successful person has his eyes on the prize.

He thinks about what he wants to accomplish most of his waking hours and he works every single day to hit those goals.

And the day comes when people call him lucky.

But this is not luck…He paid the price for his success.

He knew what he wanted, he committed to achieve that result and he invested every free minute of every day to make that happen.

How are you investing your time lately?

What does the way you invest your time tell about you?

Think about it…

And understand this. Your life matters.

What you do with your time matters.

Don’t waste it.

Time is the most precious resource you have.

You can get back the money you lost or any other thing, but you can’t get back even a single second that just passed…

So, start investing in yourself by using your time wisely.

Invest in your future by using wisely the present moment

First you need to decide exactly what you want.

Clarity is power as Tony Robbins say!

Then use as much as you can from your free time to make what you want a reality.

Do I hear you say:

I want…(goal/dream), but I don’t believe I can get it…because I don’t have the  skills, the courage, the money…etc

Great, then start investing time to change who you are, literally change your identity, your values, beliefs, habits.

Stop blaming others, stop bitching about circumstances and stop those damn excuses already.

You are the creator of your own life. Every person, thing and circumstance in your life, has been attracted or manifested by your own thoughts and actions.

Stop pointing fingers and finding someone else to blame for your “misfortunes”.

It’s YOU the one who creates and maintains everything.

You’re the power generator.

That’s why…

You need to work on yourself. There’s no other way around this.

If you want success, if you want freedom, if you want the good life as Tai Lopez is saying all the time.

Enroll yourself into the personal development regiment.

Step in the “Obsessed for Success” express and…

Discipline yourself to improve the way you think, feel and behave.

Every day become a little better than the day before.

Here are some of the…

Best ways to invest in yourself

Yeah…this means to let some friendships die.

It’s a tough choice, but you need to make it if you want to succeed.

As one of my mentors Grant Cardone says:

It’s impossible…there’s no way that all the people in your life are good for you.

If you hang out with mediocre people, guess what kind of person you will become?

The same thing happens when you stay around winners.

If you want to to be a winner and a successful person associate yourself with winners, strivers…action people. People obsessed with winning and success.

Not world-class couch potatoes…

And if you don’t have any such people in your life right now. Then spend some time daily, by reading books and watching Youtube videos of people that have the success you want.

Their mindset will rub off on you…

There’s one more thing I want to touch on in this article:

Invest money in yourself and your ideas

The best way to invest money is in your own mind

The second best way is in your ideas, your business

Unsuccessful people use their money only for food, clothes, entertainment and things that they can brag about(like a big TV for example) and help them keep up with the Joneses.

I can’t tell you how stupid this is. But, most folks keep doing it and then complain about the results.

Their investments are only in things that rust, rot and depreciate.

Rich and successful people on the other hand invest as much as they can of their money in assets.

And guess what?

Your biggest asset is you. Your biggest asset is your mind.

Start buying books, go to seminars, pay people to mentor you.

And start where you are with the little that you have…

If you’re broke and in debt, borrow money from your family, invest less in food and other items and invest the rest in yourself/your mind and your business.

If not, you will never get out of the rat race.

You will never have the freedom you want and deserve. And your dreams will remain dreams.

Just in the last 10 days or so I bought 6 new books…

One of the books is “Be obsessed or be average”.

I’ve preordered it from Grant Cardone’s website to get access(as a bonus) to 10 hours of video in which he reads the entire book.

And I also got access to 13 Live Coaching Sessions with that order.

I can’t tell you how much value I got from this deal and it was less than $60. It’s crazy…

And all those other books were amazing too.

I already started implementing in my life new strategies from some of these books.


Why should you invest money in your mind/yourself?

When you invest money and time and energy in something, you will do whatever it takes to make it work.

When you invest money in a book or in a program, you will pay close attention to whatever the author is sharing and you will implement stuff.

Most people only read free books and watch free videos online and never implement anything.

Procrastination is the their only game.


Because people don’t value free stuff.

They want free stuff, but they don’t see any value in it.

And that’s why they don’t act on the vast amount of info in all those free books and videos about success, motivation, money, leadership, business…etc

If you want to change this. Start investing money in books, video products, seminars…etc

You will be more motivated to get a ROI(return on investment) from the money you spent

and this will push you into action on those strategies you learn.

Well, I think it’s time to wrap this article and let you think and maybe even act on these ideas.


I can’t stress how important is to invest in yourself first and then in your ideas  and in your business. Everything will change if you decide to change.

Stop waiting for a miracle and create one.

Start today to Invest in yourself.

STOP tolerating a mediocre existence and START improving, growing and…ACT like a maniac to reach your goals.

Your future you will thank you for this!


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